Learn from a psychotherapist with 15 years experience in a relaxed atmosphere how to:
- really unwind in a hectic life
- be kinder on yourself, feel more confident and resilient
- move forward with your relationship with food (including 'emotional eating')
- rediscover and enjoy food
- meditate and be mindful, even when (or especially when!) busy
- improve concentration
The course focuses on developing long-term strategies to support your well-being to enable you to make lasting positive changes to your life.
Delicious freshly home-made food is provided as part of the course experience, and as an opportunity to put into practice what we learn on the course about 'mindful eating'.The course includes teachings on meditation/ mindfulness, physiology/ bodily sensations, behaviour and links with emotions, and how to apply this to day-to-day hectic life. We are interested in you taking away strategies that can be embedded into your life.
We currently offer 4-week courses for £120; each session is 2 hours long. We cap numbers in each course to support a relaxed group atmosphere, and to tailor each course to allow individuals to move towards their personal goals.
Mindful eating invites us to change our relationship with food. This programme therefore invites us to reflect on our own personal relationship to food:
- To uncover some of the emotional connections we have with food.
- To appreciate the way the body works in relation to eating, hunger and emotions.
- To increase enjoyment of food, in all its wonderful tastes, smells, textures and colours.
- To give a sense of control
- To build a compassionate stance to our body and ultimately to ourselves.
- To help improve our mood, confidence and sense of wellbeing.
Research tells us this will support weight loss. We recommend that you don’t put pressure on yourself in regards to this goal as it can create an anxiety which, as we will explain throughout the course, may in fact be an obstacle to weight loss.
In essence, we are aiming to offer you a relaxed, useful and enjoyable course that enables you to develop longer-term strategies to support your well-being.
As freshly made food is included within the course experience, when booking please state any dietary requirements. Please don't hesitate to contact us to find out more and discuss how this course fits with your hopes and goals.