
 Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all clients contracted to receive assessment or treatment from MWconversations Ltd. We follow the standards of conduct, performance and ethics of our respective regulatory bodies, the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) for Greg Mackenzie. The Health Care Professional Council (HCPC) for Kathy White.
How to make an informal complaint:
If you are not happy with any aspect of your care, wherever possible we would ask you to discuss this with your therapist directly first so we can try to resolve it.

How to make a formal complaint:
If you do not feel your issue has been resolved, or you would like to deal with it more formally, you can make a formal complaint. You can complain by:
Speaking to Kathy or Greg directly
Emailing us at: or 

When you complain, please make it clear you want the problem to be treated as a complaint. You can ask for assistance in drafting your complaint from anyone else you choose. Please give the following information:
The date and time of the incident(s)
The names of the person(s) concerned (either directly or indirectly)
The precise nature of the incident(s)
How you want your complaint to be responded to, e.g. face to face, by email, etc.

How we handle complaints:
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. With professional guidance from supervision, we will then consider your complaint and respond as soon as possible. This is normally within 10 working days. You will not be treated differently because you have complained. If the complaint is upheld we will apologise, explain the reasons the problem occurred and discuss with you how you would like MWconversations to resolve the issue.  

What if I am not satisfied?
If you are not satisfied with the response, you are at liberty to take your complaint to whoever is in charge of your care provision (e.g. your health insurer), if applicable, or to the appropriate professional body.

Information for BABCP complaints procedure: 
Information for HCPC complaints procedure: 

Or simply press the buttons below:

Information for HCPC complaints procedure Information for BABCP complaints procedure
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