An Integrative approach as I understand it allows for a tailored approach. Areas of a persons life are brought together in a clear narrative.
This allows for a more open ended form of therapy and can take place over months and years.
The focus is on a person's relationships, how reciprocal those relationships are, the individual cognitions and behaviours exhibited in those relationships, the conscious and unconscious wishes in relation to those relationships and what parallels may exist with relationships from childhood.
This form of psychotherapy may involve cognitive strategies, behavioural experiments, letter writing, chair work, role play, dreams etc.
I studied this form of psychotherapy 15 years ago. I continue to study and develop my understanding both of this approach and of the incredible variety of people, in all their complexity and remarkable strengths in the face of adversity.
"It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found", Winnicott.